
Laura Riley

Laura provides Gavilan Solutions a wealth of experience and resources. She served two separate terms of government service at the NM State Land Office, completing the last term as Deputy Commissioner in 2018. This perspective as well as 25 years in the real estate and land management arena allowed Laura to develop a wide range of skills as well as contacts in the political and regulatory environment of New Mexico. She leveraged these skills and contacts into a successful lobbying effort for clients in natural resources, extractive, and agricultural industries. 


Ashley White

As the first member of the Gavilan family - she has the most history and understands the importance of providing quality client service. Ashley’s experience in political campaigns, relationships, and understanding of the governmental systems in New Mexico are critical to Gavilan’s overall success. Ashley has worked with a multinational public relations firm, as well as in the political party system of New Mexico. Her hands-on experience with websites, computer systems, and software, managing social media, and developing community outreach strategies provide clients opportunities to expand their message. Ashley is an associate broker and an appraiser as well, rounding out her qualifications. 


Katelyn Hart

As the only attorney on our team, Katelyn brings unique insights and thoughtfulness to our clients. Her experience interning at state agencies, as well as her background with utility, natural resource, and water law, provide a balanced perspective to our team. Katelyn has been an active advocate for clients in the governmental affairs arena. Her legal background is valuable in the analysis, review, and crafting of proposed legislation. She works with the Public Regulation Commission, the Water Quality Control Commission, and other state regulatory bodies on a regular basis. Katelyn has been boots on the ground at the New Mexico State Legislature for the past 4 years and has developed strong relationships with our current lawmakers.